Saturday, February 22, 2020

Free Tuition for Post-Secondary Education?
            Should students have to pay for tuition in order to receive a post-secondary education? In order to answer this question, you must look at both sides of the argument to see the pros and cons for free post-secondary tuition.
            To begin with, some pros of a tuition-free education are that students will no longer have to obtain loans from colleges. By not going into debt, future grads will be able to worry less about paying off those loans and focus more on how they begin their new careers. Also, eliminating the potential of student debt will allow more people to attend post-secondary schools. With more people attending post-secondary schools, this could create a better educated population therefore allowing graduates to have a greater impact on future societies. Finally, by eliminating student loans, more students may have the opportunity to graduate. Not all students are able to pay tuition and may be working part time in order to compensate for the high tuition fees. This would also increase the number of graduates from a program because drop out rates would decrease due to financial reasons.
            While there are many pros to a free post-secondary education, there are also cons that contribute to the argument about free tuition. For example, while it is good to have lots of students attending college, there would be a lot more students wanting to get an education. This could lead to possible wait list for classes or overcrowded classrooms. Another con for free post-secondary education is the funding for free tuition would have to come from somewhere else. Currently, the tuition from students helps pay the instructors who teach the course. By removing the tuition, the instructors would have to be paid by other means. This could lead to an increase in taxes.
In conclusion, the benefits of a tuition free post-secondary education outweigh the detriments because of its positive impact on our society and economy in the future. While post-secondary education isn’t for everyone, allowing everyone to access this can assist the younger generation in beginning their new careers.


  1. hey, I like how you weighed the pros and cons of free tuition!
    Presenting both sides allows for analysis and for a more fair weigh in on the matter. While it would be a rocky start I believe this approach could work, I like how there's a focus on the younger generations too. Helping to build a better future is something we should all strive for!

  2. The pros and cons are really important for sure, as Will said! Wait lists would surely make following up a program with another one even harder especially for individuals who have timelines for their schooling as sometimes it can make it much more difficult to apply to the following education you would need to continue into your future career.

  3. Your Pros and Cons make complete sense to your answer, I believe free tuition could be good for many but yes it would be harder to get into programs for the waitlist and taxes will go up, it is a very balance between the pros and cons!


Free Tuition for Post-Secondary Education?             Should students have to pay for tuition in order to receive a post-secondary educa...